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Split Sytems

Split System Filter Cleaning

To clean the filters you must first open the door on the front of the air conditioner.  You can unclick the door by pulling it forward from the small handles on either side of the air conditioner at the same time.  Once this has come away, swing the door vertically until it clicks into position and stays there.

Inside are mesh filters that need regular cleaning.  The filters vary from brand to brand, but mostly they push up from the bottom until the bottom of the filter is clear of the plastic strip along the casing of the air conditioner and then when you release your hand the filter should drop forward and come out (to put it back in just reverse the procedure) Wash gently in soapy water and leave to dry. 

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Wash gently in soapy water and leave to dry.

Clean Filter.jpg

Please note:  Do not operate the air conditioner without the filters

Put the filters back in and then pull the door down again (carefully but firmly as it sometimes sticks) and click back shut again.

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Repeat at least quarterly to enable your air conditioner to run at optimum efficiency


Ducted System Filter Cleaning

To clean the filters you must first open the door on the return air grilles in the ceiling.  This will usually be in a central location in the house and be rectangular in shape.  There are sometimes 2 side by side.  To open the door to the return air grille, unscrew the screw at one end (this can be done with your hands) until the screw comes completely out.


Be careful at this stage as the door will swing down and may hit you on your head, so keep your hand on the end of the door at all times.  The filter should then slide out of the door, however if it doesn’t it may have some small screws about half along that are holding it in place.  A screwdriver will be required if the filter is screwed in.

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Once the filter has slid out of the door, take the filter outside and hose the dirt out of the filter from inside to out.  Don’t use too much pressure as this can distort the filter which can make it noisy.

Please note:  Do not operate the air conditioner without the filters

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Leave the filter to dry and then put it back in the return air grille door and secure with the screws.

Repeat at least quarterly to enable your air conditioner to run at optimum efficiency

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