Regular cleaning of filters is important for not only the air quality of the home but also the running costs and reducing wear & tear (and more involved cleaning) of the air conditioner.
Sometimes though, you need a technician to check your air conditioner over to get to the parts you can't get to and report on what condition your air con is in.
Blocked Filters
If the filters become clogged, the air conditioner motor has to work much harder to push the air through the filters, increasing the power consumption of the machine.
The full filters can also lead to dust & dirt bypassing the filters and blocking the coil of the indoor unit and uneven dirt buildup on the fan barrel
Dirty fan barrel
Uneven dirt on this fast spinning cylinder causes it to wobble and will eventually lead to the wearing out of the bearings in the fan motor, but not before making a loud whining noise that gets progressively worse.
Looking after your air conditioner
A preventative maintenance clean can determine whether a strip & clean major service is required to prevent further damage to the bearings, however, in most cases, regular filter cleaning and annual preventative servicing should eliminate the need for strip & cleans. The time taken for a strip & clean is highly variable and is dependent on the type and condition of the air conditioner.
Annual Preventative Maintenance Clean
Get ready before the heat hits
First split system air conditioner - $175
First ducted air conditioning system - $250
Each additional split system after - $110 (in same premises)
Please call our office for pricing on any specific combinations you require.
Ducted filter replacement - $50 / filter
Upgrade to V Form Filter for longevity and less frequent cleaning - $345 / filter
Strip & Clean/Bag Clean (Split Systems Only)
Only done if necessary
If a Preventative Maintenance Clean is insufficient for your air conditioner then a Strip & Clean Service may be required. A Strip & Clean involves removing the fan barrel to clean separately and then proceeding with a maintenance clean. Where it is not viable to remove the fan barrel a bag clean may be required. The technician will check your air con and discuss with you on site prior to starting works.
Strip & Cleans/Bag Cleans
First split system air conditioner - $355
Each additional split system after - $240 (in same premises)​
Faults Callouts & Part Replacements
Completed by highly qualified & experienced technicians
Faulty air conditioners will not be cleaned until they are operational in case they are unable to be repaired due to parts no longer being available. Other than minor repairs that can be completed onsite, the information will be sent back to the office in order to provide a quotation that will be sent out. Faults may not be diagnosed at time of servicing as a higher qualified technician may be required.
Faults and Repairs are charged as follows:
Fault Callout Fee (including first half an hour) $195
Then $40 per 15 minutes (or part thereof) for time spent onsite after the first ½ hour
A 60% deposit of repairs is due at time of order, prior to ordering of any parts (as they are customer specific and unable to be readily re-used). This is in addition to the payment of the initial call out fee if applicable.